Wednesday Prayers, 11 November 2020

God, we are used to surprises
but not always used to You surprising us.
It’s often hard to get a handle on life
and understand what’s happening even as it happens;
we can easily be wrong-footed and then
feel confused, angry and, especially, helpless.

But we trust in Your perspective
from beyond history and time
and worries about the future,
because You are already there,
waiting for us to join You.

We remember once more today those, all over this broken world,
who have died in war and conflict, their families and friends,
those who have suffered injury or trauma,
those who continue to live in war-torn areas,
those who have become refugees and who could not
have imagined being so before fighting began.
We remember and pray for peace,
and pray we may be peacemakers whenever we have the chance.

In times of political upheaval,
keep our minds focused, so as not to get taken in
by propaganda, or our own biases.
Give us wisdom, calmness and a deep trust
in Your guidance.
Bless those who show humility even in victory
and topple the tyrants, bullies and narcissists
where they have amassed power and abused it.

And even with good news, may we meet it
looking not just at headlines
but at what lies behind them –
the small print and the doubts and details.
We are thankful for progress with the COVID vaccine
and we pray for continued progress,
but keep us grounded and still committed
to play our part to stop the virus’s spread.

We bring to You places in the world
which are struggling most at the moment:
places where there is little money,
poor health facilities, few doctors, and real problems
for people who want to practise social distancing.
We pray for all working to bring solutions for them
and for all who are affected by ill-health.

And we pray today for people on our minds, including
Peter, Bill B, Evelyn, Jean, Janet,
Zoe, Gordon and John, Emily, Allan, Malcolm,
Eleanor, Andrew, Ela, Greta,
Jill, John N, David and Alice, Mary,
Yvonne, Bill M, John C, Karen, Mary D, Ceala and Ian.
Give to them peace and security and knowledge
that you care for them.

Be with all of us at this time, as nights draw in early
and temperatures drop.
Help us to keep each other’s spirits up
and grow in faith, spiritual depth and love for others,
through Jesus Christ our Lord,

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